Sunday, May 25, 2008

This is where I found it setting

This old Frazer tiller used to belong to a Eric Blaske who lived in Portland Or. he died some 18 years ago. He parked this tiller in a shed in his backyard. It has been there ever since till his widow dug it out for a junk dealer but changed her mind after I spoke to her and convinced her to give it to me, my lucky day, well I think so.

id tag

click on image for enlargement.

it arrived at its new home

before pressure washing

width of chines

some where around 24"

oil leak somewhere

years of oil & dirt

fuel aka gasoline

old gas has a dark brown color.

new fuel

bowl has new fuel in it.


Before draining fuel from tiller I added about a quart of new fuel. Left hand jar has the fuel that has been in this tiller for the last 18 years, in the middle is half and half fuel, right hand jar has mostly new fuel.


type and model numbers plus a bunch of other numbers I don't know what they are for yet.

breaker assy

now all I have to do is find out what the gap is supposed to be.

after pressure washing

after pressure washing

after pressure washing

Saturday, May 24, 2008